I often get blocked when working on projects.
The data isn't there. Fuzzy about the details. Waiting to hear back.
There are two paths for dealing with blockage:
Brute force
Stepping away
Oftentimes, the best path to solving a problem is through brute force and sheer will.
Example: You haven't heard back from a user about a feature you're building. You can't wait. So you reach out to another user for feedback.
Example: You get a ‘no’ from 50 investors, but you keep going in order to raise capital.
Example: You've validated an idea and just need to ship.
Although, in many cases, brute force makes it more difficult to solve a problem. You get in your own way. Forcing it makes them elusive.
Sometimes stepping away can help to clear your mind.
Example: You’re stuck on a strategy for your business.
Example: You feel overwhelmed with the information.
Example: You can’t seem to come up with the next chapter for your book.
When you're blocked, first identify if brute force will help or hurt the problem.
If it’ll hurt, try stepping away for hours, days, or even weeks before revisiting.
You can then look anew with fresh eyes. You may feel differently about the problem than you once did.
Brute force - Final strength. :)