This path is leading you in the wrong direction, but you are not aware.
You are distracted and keep wandering. You continue down the wrong path. You wander some more. A little more. A little more.
This goes on until you realize that you have lost your way. Fear sets in. Existential dread. You must get back on the right path.
The chaos of your mind clouds awareness. It clouds creativity.
Where are you going?
You wake up. Not to a dream, but you awake to your life without a goal, without a purpose, without a mission.
You calm your mind and think about your life—toward the vision you have for yourself.
Goals. You write them down in as much detail as possible. Day after day after day.
The path starts to illuminate. You notice the signs and keep walking.
You are aware.
You are back on the path.
"Indeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one--the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts..." - C.S. Lewis