Spot on. When I grew a team from 1 - 150 in my last role, we solved it a couple of ways. 1) we intentional talked about the having variability on a team, including upwardly motivated, money motivated, problem solvers (new problem junkies) and the diligent, competent 9-5 ICs. Great teams only work with all those roles being represented. 2)We also celebrated the high value IC's. Gave them non-team support (project managers) to allow them to focus on what makes them great.
Spot on. When I grew a team from 1 - 150 in my last role, we solved it a couple of ways. 1) we intentional talked about the having variability on a team, including upwardly motivated, money motivated, problem solvers (new problem junkies) and the diligent, competent 9-5 ICs. Great teams only work with all those roles being represented. 2)We also celebrated the high value IC's. Gave them non-team support (project managers) to allow them to focus on what makes them great.
I love this. High value ICs deserve more respect, credit, and leeway. They get shit done.